AutoPilot Mach 3 - The fastest, most accurate, & most reliable
Computerized Quilting System on the Market!

INNOVA's premiere computerized quilting system sets the benchmark for the industry and is
technologically more advanced than any other system on the market.
Key features include but are not limited to:
- Resize, Rotate, Flip, Mirror
- Trim
- Boundaries
- Morph
- Draw, Text, Advanced draw tools including anchor and line edit capabilities.
- Crosshatch
- Mask
- Wreath
- Align
- AutoFit
- Create Segments, Divide, Join
- Edge to Edge
- Echo
- End Snap
- Group, Attach, Link
- PushPins
- Advanced settings and options for all tools and features
- Use any .dxf or .pat file
- View your pattern library with over 600 pre loaded patterns.
- Categorize patterns by tags.
- Easily search for patterns.
- Preview designs with the pattern pad.
- Conveniently create Edge-to-Edge designs.
- Smoothly undo or redo actions.
- Customize your design with Fit, Trim, Multiply and Fill features.
- Change height and width.
- Adjust Drive settings with ease.
- View Machine Diagnostics.
- Control System Settings.
- Modify Lightning Stitch Settings.